The Best Reasons to NOT Get a Flu Shot
The health care brainiacs tell us that flu shots help prevent people from catching the flu in the first place, or at least make flu symptoms less severe if we do come down with it.
The health care brainiacs tell us that flu shots help prevent people from catching the flu in the first place, or at least make flu symptoms less severe if we do come down with it.
Every day Christy and I take a walk around our quiet Anchorage neighborhood. We regularly bump into other older folks out for a stroll, gardening, maybe playing with pets or grandkids on the front lawn. A sense of wellbeing infuses the air.
Flu shots help prevent people from catching the flu in the first place, or at least make flu symptoms less severe if we do come down with it.
The Post Office has been a fundamental United States institution since 1775. In my opinion it is vastly underappreciated. Most people do not know the scope of what it does for us...
“The aging American workforce and these workers’ lack of retirement readiness will shape employment patterns, the direction of public policy, and the strength of bargaining power for all American workers, old and young.”
The right to vote is preserved in Alaska for all eligible voters, even during these times of coronavirus pandemic.
Who wouldn’t want a nice, big, fat check similar to a PFD payment every month with no obligations? Sound farfetched? Not as much as you might think.
Here’s a thought experiment: What would happen if Social Security were suddenly entirely eliminated? The most immediate consequence would be that six million households across the United States would be plunged into poverty or near-poverty...
...how do we as high-risk older persons safely shop at the grocery store? Actually, the best advice is don't do it.
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This article is a reprint from the Anchorage Daily Times, November 7, 1918. It discusses the influenza pandemic of the time in Anchorage and elsewhere in Alaska...
Governor Mike Dunleavy issued a declaration of public health disaster emergency in response to the anticipated outbreak of COVID-19...
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