Artificial Intelligence: Bright side and dark side
Roose is normally a rather blasé "been-there-done-that" kind of guy when he discusses the latest whiz-bang developments in technology – but not this time. He was freaked out and shaken up.
Roose is normally a rather blasé "been-there-done-that" kind of guy when he discusses the latest whiz-bang developments in technology – but not this time. He was freaked out and shaken up.
Deborah Bear, Anchorage senior activist, who presents her experiences and views regarding access to primary health care as a senior with Medicare.
It’s a mainstream idea whose time has come, especially for high-cost Alaska.
Alaska is getting older every day. We expect by 2030 that 30% of us will be 55 and older and still in the workforce, so Alaska has a different issue. We are trying to bring retirees back into the workforce. – Rita Gray, MASST
"Don't be afraid of the dietitian." – Amy Urbanus
One fine day in early November I grabbed Jim McCall, who manages the Senior Office of the Alaska Housing and Finance Corporation (AHFC), for a friendly Zoom chat. His subject: The just-released Anchorage Assisted Living Survey.
Here’s a swell idea. We’ll bury a bunch of nuclear bombs on the North Slope right near the Chukchi Sea, detonate them and create an artificial harbor.
So, I called the dealership here in Anchorage and I said, "I've heard good things about the EV6." The guy said, "Well, I have one on the lot here and I can make you a really good deal."
The system should remain strong for decades and benefits could even expand with adjustments.
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”In 1736 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the smallpox taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation."
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“The headline in the Anchorage Daily Times got it wrong. Chief Sturgus wasn’t found dead. He was shot, and died about an hour and a half later."
While there may be “no free lunch,” there is free tuition.